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Do you produce your own electricity?
Share it with your neighbours or friends!

Owners of an electricity production plant (for example a photovoltaic system) can share the electricity they produce with other consumers.

You are therefore no longer obliged to buy all your electricity from a supplier. Most importantly, shared electricity is exempt from taxes and levies!

The software “We Share Energy” allows you to consult your consumption or production values and compare them with those of your neighbours or friends, to then share electricity as best as possible.

Electricity sharing,
how does it work?

Sharing groups

You can share your electricity with other people by forming or joining a Sharing group.

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Sharing keys

The rules according to which electrical energy is shared between the members of a Sharing group are determined by sharing keys.

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Legal basis

Anyone who has a solar installation on their roof can share their electricity with other people.

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Software download

To analyse production & consumption curves and to simulate shared energy

With this software, you can download different load curves, compare them with each other and simulate a Sharing group.

For each POD, the parameters (sharing keys) can be defined, with which the respective withdrawal or injection point in the Sharing group will be taken into account. We Share Energy then displays the results (Energy balances) for the selected calculation period (graphically and in kWh values).

The software works in four languages (LU/FR/DE/EN) and on Windows and MAC operating systems.

Installation is done by unzipping the ZIP file once on your computer; then right-click on the file “We Share Energy.exe” (Windows) or “We Share Energy.dmg” (MAC).

Consult the user manual for this software..

Tutorial video in FRENCH, GERMAN and ENGLISH.